E Major Pentatonic Tab

E major pentatonic

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E Major pentatonic at the 12th fret

E, F#m7, G#m, B7, C#m7

It plays from Low E to the high E. It also plays the E minor pentatonic scale in the open position, low E to high E. Listen to this scale run 

Drum Track

Listen to this audio file of the E major pentatonic scale. Play from low E to high E 12h fret as illustrated in the triplet tablature above. As the audio file is playing, strum the E major chord, C#m chord and G#m chord and see how it blends right into the scale. Listen to this audio file of the E major pentatonic scale. Play from low E to high E 12h fret as illustrated in the triplet tablature above. As the audio file is playing, strum the E major chord, C#m chord and G#m chord and see how it blends right into the scale.

 Listen to this audio file of the E major pentatonic scale. Play from low E to high E 12h fret as illustrated in the triplet tablature above. As the audio file is playing, strum the E major chord, C#m chord and G#m chord and see how it blends right into the scale. 

Listen to this audio file of the E major pentatonic scale. Play from low E to high E 12h fret as illustrated in the triplet tablature above. As the audio file is playing, strum the E major chord, C#m chord and G#m chord and see how it blends right into the scale. above. As the audio file is playing, strum the E major chord, C#m chord and G#m chord and see how it blends right into the scale.

You should practice this finger pattern. This will cover three octaves.

Practice the E major scale.

Practice the E major progressions.